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Episode 88: Resolutions for a Better Consulting Business and Life in 2021—with Deb Zahn

Deb Zahn: Hi. I want to welcome you to this week's episode of the Craft of Consulting Podcast. So this week I'm going to talk about my 2021 New Year's Resolutions, things that I'm going to do to make my consulting business better, things I'm going to do to make my life better, the combination of those two things. So let me jump into it.

So the first New Year's Resolution. And this by the way is based on taking a look back and saying, "Hey, what worked? What didn't?" But my first one is I’ve got to plan more. I have to take the time to plan in 2021 and leading up to 2021. Now that 2020 was rough, right? I get it why I didn't, and it is really easy to just get swept up in the doing and not focusing on the planning. The problem is, if you're not focusing on the planning, then you're not going to make deliberate decisions about what you should be doing and what you should not be doing.

I'm generally very good at planning. So it wasn't like 2020 was completely devoid of planning. It wasn't. But I did let more slip than I typically do. And if I'm completely honest, just between us, it wasn't all 2020's fault. So I know that getting carried away is really easy to do, and the only way that I can actually stop it is if I know that. If I know what tends to trigger me towards letting go of planning and just focusing on the doing. So I have to plan for my weaknesses.

So here's what I'm doing. I am scheduling planning time. So this is dedicated planning time throughout 2021, and I'm going to talk about what some of that is and how often I'm going to do it. And then, and this is where I'm planning for my weaknesses. I'm going to schedule about 20% more time than my brain tells me that I need to because my brain…it really can't be trusted yet with estimating the time that it takes not just to plan thoughtfully but also to be able to execute skillfully. So it also has this tendency to keep forgetting that I'm going to plan ahead. I'm going to put that in my schedule, but I don't know what's going to be happening around that time, and there might be other things that pop up or that I'm in the midst of that are going to need my attention. So that 20% gives me a cushion, and if I need it, that's fabulous. I have it. If I end up not needing it, bonus! That's extra time I suddenly have that I can do something like focus on revenue generation.

But that 20% cushion...that's the new thing that I'm doing in 2021 because stuff always happens. Stuff always happens. My brain always under assumes what it takes, and I know that. I've known that for years, and now I'm actually going to do something about it. And I'm not going to get super precise. I'm just going to add 20% and then I'm going to see what happens.

So here's how I'm going to use my planning time. So the main thing is, what I'm trying to do is trying to assess what's working and what isn't. And then I'm going to take that information so I can make decisions, and I can make those decisions throughout the year and not just wait until the end and say, like I am now, "Well, that didn't really work that well." I want to do it throughout the year. So here's the type of planning I'm going to do. This isn't the whole thing, but this is a good chunk of it.

So first of all, and this is critical for all consultants, I'm going to do quarterly financial planning. That doesn't mean that the only time I look at my finances is quarterly. But at least quarterly I am going to pause and look at my financial situation. I will ask tough questions. I will dig into it, and then I make decisions. So I'm going to look at things like profit and loss. I want to know the actual revenue that I brought in versus what I projected I was going to bring in. I want to look at where did my revenue actually come from versus where I thought it did. So I have this great financial tool, which actually you can get available for free if you like. It's basically an Excel spreadsheet that lets me look at the whole year and make assumptions about who I'm going to get business from and when I think I will actually get that revenue in my pocket. I want to look back at that and say did that actually happen and didn't it. And I actually have it done on my projection sheet in a way that I talk about probability. So is it high probability, medium probability, low probability that that revenue comes in? I want to see which one is right because that enables me to have more precision as I go throughout the year, and 2021 I think is going to still be a tough economic time. So having precision is going to be really helpful. You aren't going to be right 100% of the time, but if you can increase that percentage, then you're going to be in much better shape. And you're going to know that you have reliable income coming in.

I'm also going to take a look at my expenses. So I obviously am spending money on a whole bunch of things, like a lot of consultants are. I'm doing it also in this business as well. And I want to take a look at those and ask myself questions about whether or not that expense is yielding the return that I want and if there is a way to either bring down my expenses. Or there are probably areas where I'm not spending enough, where I'm not investing in, and if I did that, it would free me up to be able to do things that are about revenue generation. So those are the things I'm going to look at when I do my financial planning.

By the way, a lot of these things are connected. So they're not necessarily going to happen by themselves.

Monthly I'm going to look at my pipeline of work. So this is my pipeline assessment. I want to see who's in the pipeline. I want to see what stage they're at, and I want to look for any risks that are related to the awful, awful feast or famine cycle that you can easily get into. Now interestingly, what happened this year is obviously when the pandemic hit, I didn't actually lose business, but I had some business get delayed. So that threw things off. But what happened is, and I've talked about this on I think a previous blog, is there was a time where I actually had too much on my plate because I didn't actually look at my pipeline and see what else did I have coming in. I was making decisions as if each decision was a separate thing from anything else I'm doing, which is a rookie move and I did it anyway.

But if I'm able to do that monthly planning pipeline assessment, I'm going to be able to plan for and make decisions to keep a nice steady flow in my pipeline. So let me say a little more about what that means because this is really important to build not just a profitable but a sustainable consulting business is I want to look at each stage, and what I mean by stage is sort of the easiest way to think about it is to think about it as the folks that I'm doing things to get on their radar. So this is the awareness stage, and this is a lot of what in my business I do with social media. When I'm coaching consultants, this is a lot of what we talked about particularly in terms of what they're doing on LinkedIn, which is the go-to source for professionals. So how are you creating awareness of who you are and what you do?

The second stage is are you now generating interest? I have other materials that can dig into what type of content you put out at different times or different activities you would do. But who is now starting to be interested in me and what do I know about them? I'm not going to know about everybody, but if I know enough about them, I can think about are there folks that are now moving to the desire stage? And the desire stage is where now they're really thinking about hiring me. So they went from I know who she is, I'm interested in who she is, and oh my gosh, I want to work with her.

The next stage is the conversion stage. That's where I actually convert them into a client. So when I do marketing, I pay attention to that. It's also called a marketing funnel. It's also called a sales funnel. But when I do outreach to prospects, I also put them into those stages and I track that. You can use an Excel spreadsheet. You can use a CRM tool, whatever works for you. But you will know when you meet with them if they need some more nurturing in terms of their interest. Do they need some more cultivation in terms of their desire? Or are they ready to convert? So that's the simplest way of thinking about your pipeline is dividing people up into those four stages. There are a lot of way more complex ways to do it. I haven't found those particularly helpful. Some people get way into that. If you're one of those, go for it. But that's how I'm going to look at my pipeline.

And what I want to see is that one end of the pipeline isn't starving. There's nothing in it. I'm not doing anything for awareness. I'm not doing anything to generate interest. I'm basically have converted folks or I've got the folks that are like hot leads and now I'm following those up to try and convert them. And that's all I'm paying attention to. Well, the problem is that means once I convert them and I start working with them, I need to look back and fill my pipeline. Because as soon as those projects end, and obviously I get a lot of repeat business and referred business, but as soon as those projects end, I can't look back and see an empty pipeline. And if I do, I've now created a risk for myself.

So that's why I want to look at it monthly, get a sense of where everyone is, and then that tells me in what stage do I need to be doing some extra activity. Because realistically, you should be doing something for each of those stages every single week. It's super easy to just focus on doing work that you do for your clients because that's why you got into this. That's the fun part. But since you are also in the business of consulting, you got to look at it from a business perspective, which is why it's so important that your pipeline gets a lot of tender love and care and definitely paying attention to it on a monthly basis.

So the other thing twice a year I'm also...I'm actually in the midst of this right now. I'm going to do a systems audit. So one thing that I have discovered as being a consultant or being in this business is I love systems, and I love systems because they free me up to do things besides paying attention to routine tasks. So there are certain things that I have put into place, things are automated. I don't really have to think about it, and I want to look back at those and ask the question, “Are they making my life easier? So are they really doing what I hoped they would do? If they aren't, is there a better way to do that?” Because there are new systems, new software systems coming out all the time. There's no reason to stay stuck with something that's bugging you if you don't have to. So I take a look at it and I say, “Do I want to switch up?”

I also take a look at it and say, “That system probably got me all excited, but if I'm not using it and if I haven't used it much or at all in the entire year, there's no reason I'm paying for that.” So I either stop paying for it, or I figure out how I'm going to maximize the use of this.

I will tell you one of the ones that was true was with Asana, which is a project management software system. I had it for maybe six months and occasionally dabbled into it and did a few things in it. I wasn't maximizing its use, and it ain't cheap. Yet my life wasn't easier. So I finally committed, and I worked with my operations person to get everything set up, which I'm going to talk about later. And I now use it exclusively, and we've tweaked and we've changed things to make it work for us. But it is so much easier. So that was one that I hadn't used. I was paying quite a bit for it, and I could've just dumped it, but I said, "You know what, I need to commit to this because if I don't figure out a way to manage all of the various things that are going on, I'm going to easily get lost. And I'm going to end up missing things that are important." So I committed to it. I did it. Now I use it all the time.

So that's a system that I would keep, but I look at my systems and I say, “What do I want to do? Do I want to switch up? Do I want to get rid of something, or do I need to recommit to using it and figure out a way that it's actually going to serve me rather than me just paying for it?” So that I'm going to do it just twice a year. There will be like one big one a year, and then I'll take a glance at it sort of mid-year.

The other thing, and I encourage all consultants to do this, particularly if you're producing content, which I hope you are on LinkedIn at least if that's where your audience is. If you're the type of consultant and your audience, your prospective clients show up elsewhere, that's where you go. But hopefully, you are producing content that is actually helping them move through your pipeline. So awareness, interest, desire, and then conversion. Now I don't think that that's necessarily going to be the main way you get conversions, but it absolutely can help and it absolutely could be.

So quarterly, and this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to do a content audit. So I'm going to see what should I do more of? What should I do less of? This is going to be based on engagement. So if I'm putting out content and I'm hearing crickets, then I don't need to spend my time doing that. And producing content takes some time. And when I'm producing content, I'm not doing other things that directly generate revenue. This is supportive of me in terms of generating revenue. So I want to make sure I'm using the best use of every ounce of energy and time that I have.

So I'm going to look at what's the engagement been. What are folks saying to me about it? So there's some content that I put out that people will send me emails or they'll send me messages in LinkedIn or Instagram and they'll say, "Oh my gosh. I really like this. Can you answer this?" Or they reach out and they say, "Hey, can I talk to you about getting some assistance from you?" That's the type of content that I want to produce more of. So I pay attention to it on a regular basis. But quarterly, I want to do an audit that essentially says am I doing the right stuff with my content? And if it's yielding good things for me, let me do more of that. And if it's not yielding good things for me, let me reevaluate and make different decisions about what I'm going to do.

And then weekly. So every day I write in my journal, and I take a look at and I pay attention to the totality of my life, not just work, which is one piece of it. But at least weekly and monthly I want to do what I'm now loosely calling a life balance audit, which makes it a little more mechanical and a little less fun. But at the same time, it's really important. So I want the seriousness of the word audit attached to it, and what I really am looking for is are there things that are important to me in my life that I'm letting slip?

So weekly, every Sunday, I'm going to look at my previous week. I'm going to look at my schedule. I'm going to think through what I got done. I'm going to look through what revenue I'm actually invoicing for, so I will also look at my financial plan. I will look at my pipeline. But I mainly am just looking at my life and saying relative to those other things that are important to me from a business perspective, “What's going on with my life? What worked? What didn't? Are there new realities that I suddenly have to pay attention to that I didn't before?”

So for example, as if you've ever listened to my podcast before, you know that I rescue kittens. And I just rescued three new kittens, and they're adorable. Three little boys. I named them Peaches, Sassafras, and Oakley. Well, Sassafras has ringworm. I've never dealt with that before, but I know lots of folks who do rescues who have. It is a highly contagious fungus that produces spores. I can get it. My family can get it. My other cats can get it. It's a big deal. When I was doing planning for life balance, I did not think about everything that goes into all of the decontaminating and disinfecting that I need to do as well as the treatment. That's brand new in my life. Luckily, it happened during vacation so I can get my systems down of how I'm going to do it. But I didn't know that. That's a new reality, and I have to bake that into how I'm spending my time. So wish me luck with that because, holy moly, that is so not fun. Luckily, the kitties are really cute.

Anyway, so that's weekly. Every Sunday, I'm going to ask, "How did last week go?" And then I'm going to take that information, I'm going to say, great, so then what do I want to do in my coming week? If I'm time blocking, which is one of my productivity techniques and I see that last week I had a whole bunch of time blocks, and guess what, I only got like two-thirds of them done. That now tells me what I need to do in the week going forward, or if I didn't end up having lunch until 2:00 PM that now tells me the information that will help me make decisions about the week going forward.

And then monthly, I'm going to set aside an hour. I don't think I need actually more than that, and I'm going to ask myself tough questions about how I'm making choices, the things that I'm doing, and anything that I need to switch up. So looking at the totality of my life with work just being one piece of it, not being the whole thing, an hour a week being able to say to myself, what do I want to do differently based on what's working and what's not working? What do I want to keep doing because that's wonderful? That actually worked. Keep doing that.

So that's the planning. There are a few other things I'm going to do, but that's sort of the bulk of it. I think all of these things are helpful for you as a consultant. Or if you're thinking of launching your consulting business, all of these things are tremendously helpful.

All right. So let me go onto my next resolution, and this is related to something I said earlier about my deep, deep abiding love for systems. So I am dedicated in 2021 to free myself up as much as possible by creating systems, and in particular, systems that enable my life decisions. So I just mentioned one of them in terms of my life balance audit, but I want to talk about something that I did in 2020 that I had not done before—and I had sort of midway success with it—which is I created what I called my new life rules. I actually printed them out on cardstock. I was all proud of myself, and I put them up so I could see them. I shared them with other people because that's really supportive in doing behavior changes is telling other people and they will ask me about it. It helps me be accountable.

But what it was is I put down 10 things, and it was 10 things that I either was going to do or I wasn't going to do, and these were going to be hard perimeters for my life. I kept about half of them. So one of the things that I'm thinking about as I'm planning now for 2021 is if you kept five, maybe just do five next year. I haven't decided on that. But the five things I did do made a huge improvement. Now I will admit that the pandemic threw a lot off, so it made some of the things much harder to do. But interestingly, it actually made a couple of things much easier. Like one of the things is I had been traveling way too much, and I wanted to do less travel. So I had a rule around travel. Well, gee, that was super easy to fix. So I don't know that I can take credit for that one, but I can certainly think about in 2021 if things get cooking again how I want to do things differently.

But here's what I learned when I went and looked back at the new life rules and which ones actually stuck and which ones didn't is that the ones where I created some type of system, like blocking off my time in my calendar or changing...I have a scheduling system, and I included in it that I could not have back-to-back meetings when someone's scheduled. There had to be 15 minutes in between. That was related to one of my rules of not being in back-to-back meetings and trying to figure out how to eat and take care of whatever I need to take care of.

So where I baked it into some systems is where it actually tended to stick. So that's how I moved from those being my aspirations for my rules to having systems that made them real. So that's what I'm going to focus on for 2021. This is, again, planning for my weaknesses is if I can wiggle out of something, I will wiggle out of it. If I create a system for it, it's much more difficult to do that. I'm still super creative, and I could do it if I wanted to. But it's harder to do it, and I need to make things harder for myself that aren't really serving either my life or my business as part of my life.

So you're going to notice a theme start to pop, which is I'm going to free myself up by not doing certain things that I have been doing. So the reality is, and I suspect is true for you as well, is there are things that I just don't need to do. And I've been doing them, but it's not really doing anything for me. So it's taking up time, it's taking up energy, but if it's not yielding enough for my business or my whole life, then why am I doing them? Or maybe they have a yield but I don't really need to be the one that does them. So that's what I get to decide. I get to decide if I want to keep doing those things or not. And oh, by the way, the other one is maybe I just don't like them. Maybe I just don't feel like it, and that could be working with certain clients. That could be doing certain types of work. That could be, I'm going to mention a couple of them here in a moment, certain aspects of social media.

Because I'm the boss, I am the boss of my business, so I get to do that. There is no one hanging over my shoulder that says I can't. Even if you're working in a firm, you are still the boss of your practice. There might be certain things that you have to do that are important perimeters for your firms, but there's still a bunch that is going to be within your ability to make decisions. So I'm going to free myself up. I'm going to tell you what some of those are.

So I said I love systems. I love systems. Systems are my friend. But I don't have to be the one that actually sets them up. What I have to be is the person that says, "Here's what I want them to do. Here's what I want my life to be like, or here's what I want my business to be like because of some system." And I am fortunate that I have a fantastic operations person, Danielle McGinnis, big shout out for her, who hears that, and then she finds the system that actually does that. And she sets everything up. She is way better at it than me. She nerds out 100% because she loves doing that type of work, figuring out systems and operations. That is her thing.

So she figures it out, and then we look at it, and then we talk about it, and then we make tweaks along the way or we test it out and then we make tweaks. And then that frees me up so that I have the time that was being taken up by saying, "OK. What's the best way to do this? Let me think through it step-by-step." And it gives me extra time.

So it's kind of a double bonus is I get the extra time because the systems are in place, and then I get even more time because I'm not the person setting them up. There are people who love to do this work, and it makes sense to find those folks and get them to set it up for you. In the long run, it will enable you to get more money in your pocket because with my extra time, what I'm focusing on, is getting business, closing deals, serving my clients, doing the things that only I can do, and outsourcing the things that other people can do more effectively and more efficiently than I can. So that's one of the big ones, and goodness knows I've tried to set up systems before. I'm not bad at it, but I'm not the best at it. So that's not going to be me in 2021.

I'm also going to be more selective with the consulting clients I work with and the consulting engagements that I do. So what I think I did in 2020 is I said yes more often than I should have. So there were some projects that it's not like I did a bad job at anything, but either because the timing wasn't right or I probably wasn't the best-suited person to do it or whatever it was, I shouldn't have said yes. Or simply because there were examples that we all have of work styles between me and the client just aren't enough of a match that we aren't going to end up spending time trying to figure out how we're going to work together. And there's plenty of clients out there who like to work the way that I do, and we'd be a great fit, and we won't have to spend a bunch of time and energy trying to figure it out.

So I'm going to only say yes to those clients and those engagements where it makes perfect sense for me to do that. And I don't mean perfect like perfection, like, "Oh my god, we have to be an exact fit." But really looking for am I best suited to do this work with this client? Are we a fit with each other? And if we are, let's do some beautiful things together. And if we aren't, then we don't need to work together. Because even during the pandemic, the one thing that I have found, and granted I am in healthcare as a consultant, is there is still a lot of business out there. There are some industries where that's obviously not true, but if in your industry that is true, then you really can be much more selective. And the beauty of being much more selective is that you will be able to deliver excellence, which builds your reputation, which builds your business, and you will get more repeat and referred business which fills your pipeline with you having to do extra work. And you also just feel better doing it. So the rest of your life ends up being better too.

So that's one big thing that I'm going to do in 2021, and I am also, and you heard it here first. I am dumping Facebook and Twitter. Bless their hearts. Glad that some people like it. I do not. There are a lot of reasons I don't like them, and I don't need them. So I am going to focus on LinkedIn. I am going to focus on Instagram because I did like my pretty pictures. LinkedIn makes the most sense for me because that's where my consulting clients are. That's where the folks that want to work with me to help them start and build and grow their consulting business are. So that's what I'm going to focus on. And I don't need to do everything, and I certainly don't have to do things that I don't like. And I assure you it won't matter for my business.

If your business is built entirely on how many social media channels you're on, unless you are a social media consultant, then you I think are going to end up potentially exhausting yourself paying a whole lot of time and attention to playing the big social media game. And the reality is you could also spend more time freeing yourself up. You could spend more time actually reaching out to warm or hot prospects and trying to directly get business. That's what I want to spend more of my time on and less time playing the social media game with two channels that I just don't really like.

So that's what I'm going to do. And I'm really excited about it. It was so freeing when I made that decision. And it was so funny because there was part of me that was like, "Can I? Am I allowed to?" As if the social media overlords had to give me permission. They do not. They do not own me. I don't exist to serve their business model. I make a decision about what I want to do for my business model. So got to go. Buh-bye, Facebook and Twitter.

All right. So here's the last one, and this one is one that is deeply, deeply personal to me, and again, if you listened to my podcast, you've heard me talk about my mom. And I'm a big fan of mom and spending time with her. She's one of my big why's for why I want to be a consultant. She's my big why for why I left the firm that I was at and decided to become an independent consultant. And the pandemic in some ways has made it easier to spend time together because we're in a tripod. My husband, my mom, and myself, we are our pod. But it's also pandemic has been really tough on her. So she turned 80 this year, and she's in amazing shape. She's way more active than I am, which is wonderful for her, kind of sad for me. I need to live up to what she's been able to do, but I am aware that she's getting older. And I don't want to waste the time that I have with her.

She loves to travel. She hasn't been able to do it because of the pandemic. She loves to bike. She loves to kayak. She has been able to do those things, but she hasn't really wanted to do them alone. She wants to do them with me. And the reality is my husband, Scott and I are really her only close contacts for the foreseeable future, and it's hard for her. So it wasn't that I didn't spend a lot of time with her, but I need to spend more. And that means on a daily basis, so there's not a day that goes by that she does not have some time with me. Even if it's just a couple of hours, we're watching nightly news together or we have a show that we really like on Sundays or we're working out in our home gym. And that's good stuff, but what I realized is I need to add more to it. So we're going to do two things.

So, first of all, is every week, I've decided, and this is part of my planning, my life balance planning is I'm going to carve out in my schedule recurring protected time that is mom time. That is her time. She can have me do whatever she wants. So I can run errands with her because she just likes that better. It's a little more fun. I can do things in her house. She always has a Deb list, like always things that she needs me to do, and I can work on those, which makes her really happy and makes her feel taken care of. Or we can go do fun things. I can go kayaking with her. I can go biking with her more often than I'm doing it right now.

So every week, and that doesn't mean obviously that's the only time I'm doing big things with her, but every week protected time. Nobody gets that time. I don't care what's happening. That's mom time.

And then the other thing that she and I talked about that we're going to do is mom time's also going to mean periodic big things. So special big things that we do together. So when it's safe, we are going to do two big things this year. She doesn't really have a bucket list. She has like two things on her bucket list, which are just strange. One of them is seeing Fallingwater, the Frank Lloyd Wright house that's in Pennsylvania. It's like a seven-hour drive from here. For her birthday, which is in September, I'm taking her to Fallingwater because she's always, always, always wanted to see it. So we are doing that. That is happening this year. I don't care that there's not a really easy way to get there. We are going to make it happen.

By the way, the other thing on her bucket list is she wants to see a beaver in the wild. It's a random, strange thing that mom wants, but mom wants what she wants. So actually I am going to figure out a way to show my mom a beaver this year because that's her thing. I'm not sure what's going to happen after. Is she going to switch up animals? She's going to say, "Oh, now I want to see a platypus." I have no idea what's going to happen. But she is seeing a beaver this year. I vow that that will happen.

But the other big thing is she wants to take a road trip to Montreal. Now we are about five hours from Montreal. Right now Canada very wisely will not let us in because of the pandemic. But once they let us back in again, she and I are going to take a road trip to Montreal. It's as close as being in sort of a European city as possible so you really feel like you're somewhere different, which is what she wants. And I'm going to be with her. We're going to hang out. We're going to have just a lovely time. So that is for sure happening in 2021, borrowing any like major catastrophes, which obviously we can't take off the list. But that's what we're doing.

If I'm able to have that more mom time than I had this year…and by the way, this year was an increase from last year…then I will be able to enjoy my life much more thoroughly and so will my mom. And she's wonderful and she deserves it, and I want to make it happen.

So those are the things that I am doing, and, as I said, I'm planning right now for 2021. I'm being very specific. I'm planning ahead, and the specificity... The last thing I want to say is the specificity really matters because that is key to making changes and making changes stick. So if I just said as I have in the past that I want to spend more time with mom, but I'm not specific about what that means on a daily, weekly, and periodic basis and how I am actually going to put things in place to make sure that happens, then chances are it's not going to happen or it's not going to happen as much as I want. So I'm being much more specific this year. And I believe that if I take the time, I do it thoughtfully, I execute skillfully, that I'm going to have a 2021 that is better than this year. And I don't mean better than 2020 because come on, that's a low bar. But I mean really deliberately creating the life that I want and the life that I want with my family. And the work life that I want to have, doing the things that I love and making my livelihood doing that.

So those are my New Year's Resolutions. Thank you for letting me share those with you.

And thank you so much for spending this year with me. I'm really looking forward to 2021. We're going to have a ton, a ton of great content and information and strategies and techniques that are going to help you start, build, and grow your consulting business. So if you haven't done it yet, this is your year. There is no reason you cannot take that leap and be successful, and if you want to build and grow your consulting business, I would love to help you. There are a lot of different ways I can do that. So check out my website, and in particular, if you go to “Start Here,” there are a whole bunch of free tools that you can download and, boom, start using today depending on where you are in your consulting journey. If you go to “Get Help,” there's also a number of ways that I can help you speed things up so that you can be successful faster.

So thanks so much, and I'll see you in 2021.

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Craft of Consulting Podcast. I want to ask you to do actually three things. If you enjoyed this episode or if you've enjoyed any of my other ones, hit subscribe. I got a lot of other great guests that are coming up and a lot of other great content and I don't want you to miss anything. But the other two things that I'm going to ask you to do is, one is, if you have any comments, so if you have any suggestions or any kind of feedback that will help make this podcast more helpful to more listeners, please include those.

And then the last thing is, again, if you've gotten something out of this, share it, share it with somebody you know who's a consultant or thinking about being a consultant, and make sure that they also have access to all these great content and all the other great content that's going to be coming up.

So as always, you can go and get more wonderful information and tools at Thanks so much. I will talk to you on the next episode. Bye-bye.

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