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Listening Time:

51 min

Episode 100: Lessons on Successful Consulting Now and Into the Future—with Deb Cullerton

Advice for building and sustaining a successful consulting business: never let a business lesson pass you by, especially ones born of hardship!

In my 100th Craft of Consulting podcast episode, I interview my very first guest Deb Cullerton. She and I discuss the big-ticket lessons from the crises in 2020 and 2021 and what it means for our businesses. We also look forward to what will enable us to build our businesses, stay profitable, and continue to serve our clients.

To celebrate my 100th episode, you can win some valuable giveaways by subscribing to my email list, reviewing my podcast, or commenting on my social media post about this episode.


  • One of my online courses for getting clients faster—worth up to $1497.

  • Three of my favorite books to help you build your consulting business and serve your clients:
    Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual by Luvvie Ajayi Jones
    READY, Set, Change! Simplify and Accelerate Organizational Change by April Callis-Birchmeier
    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear​


Deb Cullerton

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Episode Details

Deb Cullerton was impacted by COVID and other crises personally and professionally but sees a clear path to a successful 2021. In this episode, we talk about:

  • Experiencing COVID and the weather crisis in Texas firsthand and the challenges those brought to running a consulting business

  • Rescuing a kitten and gaining perspective

  • Embracing the big cosmic lesson that you don't know as much as you think you do

  • Recognizing just how malleable strategic plans are going to have to be

  • Feeling good about the speed with which she pivoted

  • Harnessing the power of “panicking forward” and staying in your lane

  • Focusing on helping the clients you have and survival

  • Getting unstuck by focusing on the outcomes you achieve, not the processes you usually use

  • Falling back into old habits and letting mindset monsters lose

  • Embracing new ways of doing things and breaking up old limiting thoughts about who you are and what you can do

  • Piling on actual scarcity with made up scarcity

  • Figuring out who was going to have money in a year and making sure that you set ourselves up to be at the ready

  • Wishing they had recognized more quickly what some of the leverage points were going to be around technology and just caving into it

  • Regretting not allowing myself to enjoy the downtime more

  • Leveraging opportunities going forward, especially with companies turning to consultants instead of hiring

  • Throwing rocks at, blowing up, and improving your processes, systems, and frameworks and helping clients do the same

  • Taking advantage of the disruption and doing different things, such as changing your pricing models

  • Leveling up your skills to serve clients better

  • Taking advantage of funding opportunities you are eligible for

  • Prioritizing what’s important in your life, including time with mom

More about Deb:

More about Priority Management Associates Philadelphia:

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