Listening Time:
29 min
Episode 42: Consultant Dos and Don’ts From a Client—with Lacey Clarke
In this Craft of Consulting podcast episode, I interview Lacey Clarke who is the Vice President of Policy at the Community Health Care Association of New York State. In today’s podcast, Lacey lets us peek into the mind of a client. Lacey hires many consultants to work on projects and gives us the inside scoop on what she wants when she’s looking to hire consultants, what gets her to want to hire them and bring them back over and over, and what she absolutely does not want to see when meeting and working with consultants.
Lacey Clarke

Episode Details
Lacey shares her perspective as a consulting client. She gives great information that can help you adjust what you do as a consultant so that, ultimately, you get more new and repeat business. In this podcast, we talk about:
The best and worst ways to meet and approach potential clients
Ways to keep clients talking with you so they decide to hire you and give you repeat business
How some consultants turn off prospects and clients
What you need to know about your prospects’ organizations
Pitfalls of knowing too little about your clients’ dynamics and challenges
Respecting your clients’ internal expertise
Being flexible and able to pivot when things change for your clients
Establishing communication protocols with clients
Things to never do when working with clients
Bringing your knowledge of the outside world to your clients
Being personable and human with your clients
Key skills that make things easier for your clients
Customized vs. cookie-cutter approaches to client work
More about Lacey: