Listening Time:
42 min
Episode 79: Helping Clients Sustain Improved Outcomes—with Dr. Scott Thomas
In this Craft of Consulting podcast episode, host Deb Zahn talks with Scott Thomas, PhD, a behavior change expert, perennial consultant, and co-author of the Sustaining Improved Outcomes toolkit. They discuss how to consultants can assist clients sustain the outcomes they help them improve and use this approach to get more business. They also talk about how consultants can help funders change what they do to better support organizations to get their results to stick.
Dr. Scott Thomas

Episode Details
Host Deb Zahn and her husband Dr. Scott Thomas share their insights for sustaining outcomes gleaned from research and their experience. In this podcast, we talk about:
Defining what it means to sustain improved outcomes
Understanding why consulting matters to your clients, who they serve, and your reputation
Recognizing that sustaining outcomes is not a naturally occurring phenomenon
Describing a qualitative research studying that assessed why some organizations sustained their outcomes
Seeing sustainability supported at all levels of an organization
Highlighting key factors that contribute to sustaining outcomes
Knowing your audience when presenting data so it has the impact you want
Addressing sustainability at the beginning of the improvement process
Using this approach as a competitive advantage to get more business
Helping funders to approach sustainability with their grantees differently
Getting the free toolkit and tools
Finding the hidden romance in the toolkit
More about Scott and the Toolkit and Tools: www.sustainingoutcomes.com